Tuesday, December 28, 1999

Instant Gratification

by David Scott Robertson

I was just starting to read the book of Hebrews
This morning in my devotions
When I got a revelation.

Now I know this sounds really corny,
Perhaps even unspiritual,
But the “revelation” of spiritual truth
Did not come from the first chapter of my Bible study.
Instead it came from the orange I was going to eat while I was studying.
(The juice is dripping off my fingers as I write this.)

Sometimes I enjoy eating my breakfast during my Bible study.
But today,
I had to stop my Bible study altogether
To peel an orange.
(Imagine – having to stop a religious activity to learn a spiritual truth!)

As you well know,
Sometimes peeling an orange is sticky business.
Often the skin is thin and it comes off only in little teeny chunks.
In fact, I had to take a pall point pen
And stab the orange’s skin just to get started peeling it.
Then it took about five full minutes of effort
To get that little juicy ball to the point where I could eat it.
(Now you understand that five minutes of deferred gratification
Is a long time for an impatient American!)

It was then that I got the revelation.
See if you agree.

God thought oranges up.
Like black holes in space
Oranges are His idea.
He created them to bring
Sustenance, vitamins, energy, calories, sweetness and enjoyment to His creation.
(He didn’t have to give mankind taste buds to survive but that’s more GOOD NEWS)

But in order to enjoy the orange,
I had to peel it.
I had to pay the price.
I had to get messy.
I had to exert some effort.
I had to wait (my least fun thing and greatest challenge).
I had to postpone my Bible reading.

But God is so wise
Because He gave me a revelation
About something we call “instant gratification”.
You know,
Having what you want when you want it.
(Actually having it before you want it would be even better!)

In five short minutes
I believe the Lord impressed some thoughts on me
About instant gratification…

Instant gratification does not build character.
Instant gratification does not aid faith.
Instant gratification does not promote patience.
Instant gratification does not enhance self-control and discipline.
Instant gratification is not all it is cracked up to be.

The quest for instant gratification assigns us
To the place of immature babies who want it right now or they cry
And insecure adults who want it right now or they rebel.

Some other thoughts that the neurons in my brain tossed around: -

Good things do come to those who wait.
Anything worth having takes effort to obtain.
Hands-on learning is real learning.
God made certain things hard for us to get – on purpose, no less!
Sometimes God wants us to figure stuff out.
Sometimes obstacles really are tests to see how badly we want it.
Victory is often sweeter when you have to work for it.
As a matter of fact, you don’t need it immediately.
If you are impatient, you will miss out on a lot of good living.
Many things (and people) are tossed aside because they take time to develop.

The next time you or I are
Waiting in a long line at Wal-Mart…
Or sitting with an elderly loved one in a nursing home…
Or tapping our fingers on the steering wheel in the drive-through lane…
Or dealing with people and oranges with thin skin…
Remember, instant gratification is not in our best interests!

I hope my little revelation today
Was as a-peeling to you
As it was to me.
