by David Scott Robertson
We catch up with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane…
“He [Jesus] withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.’
An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him” (Luke 24:41-43).
What an interesting thought – an angel strengthening Jesus! I have often wondered about this scene. I would love to know the details and implications of this angelic visit.
(And note it wasn’t the first time Jesus had this kind of visitation. After being tested forty days in the wilderness, angels were commissioned to strengthen Him: “Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him” -- Matthew 4:11)
As is usually the case, there is always more than meets the eye in the events of Jesus’ life.
But concerning “the strengthening angel” as I call him in the Garden of Gethsemane -- I am particularly interested in this character. Most students of the Bible quickly realize that Jesus agonizing over His destiny while battling with His human nature in the Garden of Gethsemane is one of the most emotionally charged moments of Jesus’ earthly life. In fact, scripture records that He was in such emotional turmoil that He sweated great drops of blood. (see Luke 22:44).
God the Father knew this was a crucial time for Jesus and therefore dispatched a special angel to go and strengthen Jesus at this significant time.
Did the angel have a message from the Father that brought tremendous encouragement to Jesus?
Was the manifestation of the angel itself a sign to Christ that was produce courage?
When He was being overwhelmed with His humanity was the supernatural sent to help Him
Bring it into perspective?
God didn’t send angels (plural) to strengthen Christ but God sent only one angel. Who was this one angel? Did it have special meaning that this one specific angel was sent? Is it possible that Jesus was familiar with this particular angel?
Was this angel none other than the Archangel Michael, the mighty warring angel who watches over Israel? Could it have been Gabriel, the very one who announced to the virgin Mary that Jesus would be miraculously conceived? Perhaps it was the angel that in Old Testament times killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night per the command of Jehovah to save King Hezekiah and his people under siege. It’s possible that “the strengthening angel” was the very angel that God has assigned in the future to cast the devil into the bottomless pit for a thousand years!
We could go and on and on speculating the identity of this angel on special assignment to strengthen the Savior of the World during a critical moment but one thing we do know – it worked. Jesus rallied to go on and fulfill His ultimate destiny to die for the sins of the world and redeem mankind.
This is where we can apply a truth to our lives. It is possible that we know someone, either saved or unsaved, who has a great call of God on their lives. He or she may be going through a tough time about now. They may be struggling with doing God’s will or taking the pathway of least resistance.
Today you and I can accept a special assignment from God to be a “strengthening angel” to them to encourage them, to remind them of God’s presence in their life, and to assure them of their destiny in Christ if they persevere and don’t give up.
I’m sure that it was a great honor to “the strengthening angel” to come and minister to the Lord Jesus Christ. Today there is great honor in ministering, serving, and strengthening those who call Him “Lord.”