Monday, September 5, 2005

The Code

by David Scott Robertson

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1. SOG
2. MOC
3. D7
4. EX412
5. TYJ

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Before I compose very important documents, I usually write (or type) "the code" or letters you see here that appear above this text.

I used it today as I composed comments I will be making at the funeral of a very dear friend. I write these letters before I write a sermon. Often I'll write them on the top left of my legal pad if I'm in an important meeting where I need to speak with extra caution or wisdom.

I have done this for years and today is the first time I've ever told anybody about it. Let me tell you what the letters above stand for and why I think they're vital to my communication.

1. SOG - Stands for Spirit of God.

First and foremost, I invite the Holy Spirit to inspire me to speak or write well. I realize also that what I don't say is nearly as important as what I do say, so I ask the Spirit of God to help me cull out what is not appropriate. Certain thoughts or ideas may be good but it may not be the right time or audience to share them with.

2. MOC - Stands for Mind of Christ.

Scripture reveals that in Christ are "…hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:2-3). I figure since Jesus knows everything and He lives in my heart (spirit), then why not ask for the His thoughts to dominate and mine to be taken captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)? 1 Corinthians 2:16 says that we can have the mind of Christ, so by putting the letters MOC on the left margin of my document, I am saying to God that I want the mind of Christ to influence what I write and/or speak.

3. D7 - Stands for the Divine 7
These are 7 things I pray over myself and my family regularly:

(1) Divine Receptivity - the ability to hear God's voice...clearly
(2) Divine Creativity - genius from Jesus for Jesus
(3) Divine Productivity - the ability to get more done in less time
(4) Divine Enablement - trusting that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
(5) Divine Intervention - God working creative miracles on my behalf
(6) Divine Favor - walking daily in the FOG - the favor of God
(7) Divine Rhythm - doing God's perfect will in God's perfect timing

4. EX412 - Stands for Exodus 4:12.

This is one of my favorite verses in the whole Word of God. God is speaking directly and audibly to Moses in this passage. Moses had an inferiority complex when it came to public speaking. God counters with, "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

Well, that should have ended all Moses' fears, right? Yes it should have but it didn't. Basically, Moses' response to the Lord God's extraordinary promise was: "Here am I, Lord, send Aaron."

But as for me, I'm going to take God up on that promise and claim it as my own! Since God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), I believe that God is going to help me speak and teach me what to say. He did it for Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jeremiah, David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Joseph, and others, so why not me?

5. TYJ - Stands for Thank You Jesus!

I always try to thank Him in advance, BEFORE I write the first word, because that requires faith! And God loves it when we exercise faith and trust Him for things we have not yet apprehended.

Thank God for Jesus! Without Him, I wouldn't have a prayer! Jesus makes things happen in my life like nobody else can! He is worthy of all praise and credit before, during, and after the thought is written, the lesson is taught, the sermon is preached, the altar call given, or anything is accomplished that I have asked for His divine assistance with. God is worthy of all the glory, the honor, and the praise!

Now, here's an idea! Why not put these acronyms or your own special code on your projects that may not mean anything to anybody else, but God knows the code!
