Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Real Me

by David Scott Robertson

MyPassion: To experience God through Jesus Christ and fulfill His plans for my life.
MyZeal: To help others experience God through Jesus Christ and fulfill His plans for their life.
MyDesire: To be able to support my family in a ministry devoted to helping others experience God and fulfill His plan for their lives.
MyPrize: Hearing the Righteous Judge say “Well done, good and faithfulness servant.”
MyInheritance: Abundant life here on earth and eternal life in the hereafter.
MyJoy: Waking in the Spirit.
MyBelief: I am what I AM says I am.
MyTrust: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
MyHope: Jesus will catch me in the very act of serving Him when He suddenly returns.
MyTarget: Reproduce the character of Christ in me in others.
MyObjective: Seek and save those who are lost.
MyMission: Win souls and make disciples.
MyValues: Life is a gift from God and as such is sacred.
MyPuprose: Tell the world of the wonderful things God has done in my life.
MyDrive: God loves me just as I am such as I am because of who He is.
MyAim: Take as many with me to heaven as possible.
MyPlea: Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
MyEnergy: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
MyPeace: God is not a man that He should lie - His Word is true.
MyPlan: Love Jesus more today than yesterday, and less today than tomorrow.
MyStrategy: Live a fasted lifestyle characterized by repentance, humility, and grace.
MyGoal: To be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion on the earth.
MyDream: To see God’s dream come true.
MyRight: To remain silent before the Lord.
MyResponiblity: To preach that the kingdom of God is at hand.
MyVision: That none should perish but all should repent and come to a knowledge of the truth.
MyFaith: God’s Word – written (“logos”) and spoken (“rhema”) – settles all matters.
MyPower: I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
MyDeliverance: The Son of God was manifest to destroy the works of the devil.
MyHealing: Jesus’ stripes makes me whole.
MySalvation: My spirit has been saved, my soul is being saved, and my body will one day be saved.
MyBattle: The battle is not mine it is the Lord’s.
MySecret: Although I am a man, I am in love with the Son of Man.
MyDedication: All for thee, Lord Jesus.
MyEpitaph: Passion for God, compassion for people.
MyFamily: As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
MyCreed: To live is Christ, to die is gain.
MyHappiness: This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
MyFailure: When I don’t trust in God.
MyHeart: To know God more fully and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.
MyEntreaty: Forgive me as I have forgiven those who have sinned against me.
MyWeakness: Trusting in my own strength.
MyStrength: God’s mighty power manifesting through my weakness.
MySong: Redeemed! Redeemed! His child and forever I am!
MyQuest: To be like Jesus.
MyAmazement: Who am I and what is my house that God should care for me?
