By David Scott Robertson
* * BLAST FROM THE PAST - WRITTEN MAY 16, 1987 * * *
As I was seated outside in the wee hours of the morning in quiet meditation and prayer, an interesting thing happened…
While I was pondering the things of God, a tiny insect, a gnat, landed on my leg. I looked at it and thought to myself how easy it would be to reach down and squish the gnat between my fingers, instantly snuffing its little life out.
Think about it, one moment, the bug is alive, in the next, instant obliteration. In less than one second, the tiny creature would go from being a mature bug with reproductive capability to being utterly non-existent, gone without a trace.
It was at that split second that God dropped the thought into my spirit that this was precisely the way it is with human beings, too.
God is so big and we are so small. If He wanted to, God could instantly, effortlessly, snuff out our lives with a word from His mouth. In less than one second, we could go from being a mature man or woman with reproductive capability to being utterly non-existent, gone without a trace, all at the word of the Lord.
We are completely helpless and at His mercy. The fact of the matter is that God so loved the world that He actually condescended to become one of us to save us from certain destruction and eternal separation from Him.
It's like you or me becoming a gnat just so we could communicate the truth to them in their language and on their level of understanding.
For God to attribute that much worth to the human race is astonishing to me. God is so incredibly big, His intellect is boundless, His creativity surpasses all understanding, His knowledge is limitless, and His mercy endures forever.
The magnitude of God cannot be measured by earthly instruments nor comprehended by finite minds such as ours. His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence defy all attempts to grasp them, yet God can be understood in one word - love - and experienced in another - obedience.