Tuesday, October 3, 2000

The Prayer Spot

by David Scott Robertson

It's early morning.
The best time of my day.
It's my time with the Lord.
My quiet time.
My "devotions."
My sweet hour of prayer.
My "manna in the morning" to feast on the Word of God.

And today
I've discovered the ideal prayer spot.
I'm on vacation for a week in what some would call a "tropical paradise."

Today I have parked my skinny frame on a wooden bench
Overlooking a lush, exotic Floridian lagoon.
Cool, fresh air kisses my face.
A symphony of nature sounds tickle my ears.
The sum of my senses drink in
The serenity,
The solitude,
The peacefulness of this prayer spot.

If conditions ever were right
To "be still and know that [He] is God"
Then I guess this would be it.
Circumstances seem to be ripe
For my soul finding rest in God alone here
In this special prayer spot.
I think I have all the necessary ingredients
For a fruitful, highly productive, and wonderful "hour of power" with God.
But in a week,
I'll be back home in Tennessee.
Then what?
Will I have less of an opportunity to find the ideal prayer spot?

What about the Christian businessman at O'hare Airport in Chicago this morning?
Does he have an equal shot to hear from God in the crowded terminal?
How about the single mom raising twin boys in Omaha
Scrambling to get her kids off to day care?
Can she enjoy meaningful fellowship with Jesus this morning?

Our God can make sending a fax or making photocopies
A spiritual experience
As prayer is offered up to Him while conducting routine business
In the most unlikely (and irreligious) places.

So what advantage do I have today
In my tropical paradise prayer spot
Over Christian men and women
Godly boys and girls
Who, even as I write this, are meeting with the Lord in
Board rooms,
And broom closets?
No advantage whatsoever.
None at all.

"'Do not come any closer,' God said. 'Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground'" Exodus 3:5 NIV.
