Monday, November 20, 2000

Do It Anyway

by David Scott Robertson

This morning I did something I love to do.
I wrote down a "Thought about God."

What may seem trivial and uneventful to you
Is a big deal to me
Because of the circumstances surrounding me writing that thought.

This morning I was tired.
Really tired.
The kind of tired that makes you fall asleep 19 times
While reading 1 chapter in the Bible.
Moreover, I had a headache.
I was running short on time.
I was...
Excuses, excuses, excuses...
Blah, blah, blah...
Yadda, yadda, yadda...
Etc. and so forth.

If you haven't discovered this truth by now you soon will:
Conditions are NEVER perfect to do anything.
There's always something to
Disrupt, interrupt, postpone, or defer
Your ambition to do something significant.
The good often robs you of the best.
The urgent frequently pilfers away the important.
The nemesis of not enough time
Usually pushes your good just one day beyond your grasp.
Somebody always seems to have a need that trumps your desire.
It's always something, isn't it?

My challenge to you today is this:

Do it NOW!
Feel the FEAR and do it anyway!
Endure the PAIN and do it anyway!
Overcome the INCONVENIENCE and do it anyway!
Bear the COST and do it anyway!
Take the TIME and do it anyway!

You only reach the mountain top
By clawing your way to the top
One exhausting, sacrificial step at a time.
But, oh, the view from the top!
Once you've been to the top you'll be ruined for life.
Once you taste and see that the Lord is good
In allowing you to persevere through
Many dangers, toils, and snares
To achieve,
To obtain,
To conquer,
To succeed in the thing to which He has called you to do,
You will never, ever be the same.

The philosopher Emerson was right when he said:
"The mind once expanded can never retain its original shape."
Right on!

I dare you!
I challenge you!
I defy you!
In Jesus' name,
Do it anyway!
