Monday, March 18, 2002

God Showed Up Where?

by David Scott Robertson

(Rev 1:9 NIV) I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
(Rev 1:10 NIV) On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet…

Patmos was a small island (ten miles by six miles) in the Aegean Sea located about thirty-seven miles southwest of Miletus.
The Romans used such places for political exiles.
The Apostle John's mention of the island in Revelation 1:9
Probably means that he was such a prisoner, having been sent there for preaching the gospel.

Eusebius (an early church father) wrote that John was sent to Patmos by Emperor Domitian in A.D. 95 and released after 1 1/2 years.

And it was here, on Patmos, of all places on the planet,
That John had a magnificent encounter with Jesus Christ.

God shows up in the most unusual places!
Whereas some people may imagine a location as “God-forsaken,”
Ironically, that is precisely where the Lord very often chooses to display His revelation.

The backside of a dessert – God shows up to a man named Moses and a bush begins to burn and a mighty deliverance begins (Exodus 3:2).

In the belly of a large fish – God shows up to a man named Jonah and a missionary is dispatched to a cruel and wicked people group (Jonah 1:17).

In a cave with special effects – a rock-shattering wind, an earthquake, a fire, followed by a gentle whisper of the voice of God to a man named Elijah – and the order to anoint two kings (Hazael and Jehu) and a prophet (Elisha) is given (1 Kings 10:12-16).

On a dirt road to Damascus – God shows up to a man named Saul and the vessel through whom most of the New Testament would be penned is called (Acts 9:3-6).

On a ship caught in a tempest somewhere off of Crete in the Adriatic Sea– God shows up to a man named Paul and grants the request that 276 sailors and passengers not die and God grants the safety of every single one (Acts 27:23-24).

In a filthy Roman jail – God shows up about midnight to Paul and Silas who being held as prisoners for preaching the gospel and an earthquake facilitates every prisoner’s chains falling off (Acts 16:25-26).

At a despised tax collector’s booth – God shows up to a profiteering Jew named Matthew and an apostle is called is to follow Jesus (Matthew 9:9).

On a beach at the Sea of Galilee – God shows up to invite two brothers, Peter and Andrew, to change careers and become “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).

Do you see the trend?
Have you noticed where God shows up?
Crazy places at unexpected times.
Does this instill hope in you that He is willing and able to show up right where you’re at
At just the time you need Him?

Can you believe that God can show up…

…at the photocopier at work?
…out by the garbage dumpster?
…in the pickup truck?
…in the shower?
…on the racquetball court?
…in a classroom at school?
…at the grocery store in the produce department?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes to all of the above questions!

I believe!
How about you?

I believe that God is not limited by space or time
In the way He elects to show up in our lives.
I also believe that many times He moves in by our invitation.

Also, if you can get you a buddy to join you in your pursuit of an encounter with God,
I strongly believe that God will especially honor that and show up based on

(Mat 18:20 NIV) For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

“Where” God shows up is not nearly as important as “that” God shows up.

Let’s see to it, then,
As far as it has to do with us,
That we prepare a habitation for the Lord to come and sit with us,
And visit with us,
And walk with us,
And talk with us,
And lead, guide, and direct us,
And comfort us,
And grant to us revelation of His will and way for our lives.

One final word,
John was “in the Spirit” on the Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10),
When he had an incredible encounter with God and penned the book of Revelation
Under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

May I submit to you that TODAY and EVERY DAY can be the “Lord’s Day”
If we make seeking God with all our hearts,
Drawing near to Him,
Calling to Him and expecting an answer a priority in our daily lives.

(Psa 118:24 NIV) This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
