by David Scott Robertson
What do you give a God that’s got everything?
I mean, He created it all,
He owns it all
In fact, the great I AM is all in all.
You can’t add to Him, because He’s infinite.
You can’t take away from Him, because He’s omnipotent.
What have you thought up that He has not altogether known in advance?
What new thing under the sun could you and I possibly offer to the Lord
Since He knows the sum of our words and actions before our birth?
What, then, is a mortal man to do when trying to present an offering to God?
What thing or act or expression of value can we as created beings offer to a priceless Diety?
Just what does He want and expect from us anyway?
Apparently, incredibly, God saw value and worth in us in that
While we were yet sinners – Christ died for the ungodly.
You see it was Father God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…
And, like Father like Son, Jesus so loved the world that He voluntarily agreed to come and pay sin’s penalty…
And as if that wasn’t enough, the Holy Spirit so loved the world that he consented to stay and lead and guide us into all truth.
What an outrageous arrangement!
Now here’s the bizarre part…
Although we as human beings have been created in the image of God
And represent His divine genius in its highest form,
Nevertheless we have inherited from Adam and Even the flaw of the sinful nature.
Therefore, we have, as it were, eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
And it has skewed our view of the Tree of Life.
With the power of choice comes the ability to make poor choices.
To eat forbidden fruit or not to eat, that is the question.
To love God and one another or not, that’s the option.
To obey or disobey, these are the choices.
Who among us has not through either willful disobedience or passive indifference
Chosen bad over good and good over best?
And so, the plot thickens.
Not only did God create us and loan us His breath
(Which by the way He reserves the right to withdraw at any time)
But lo and behold we use the power of free choice to ignore His commands.
We are a sin-tainted people group,
Covering our nakedness and feebly attempting to hide from Creator God.
So what is the Lord’s response to this incredible predicament?
The Lord Jesus Christ comes to each of us and asks us a question:
“Will you marry Me?
“I want to spend the rest of My eternal life with you.”
“I have chosen you to become My bride.”
But we, gasping, respond:
“Lord God, I’m not worthy to be Your bride.”
“Lord, I’m damaged goods.”
“You found me in the scratch and dent section.”
“My wineskin has burst and my wine is spilled out and ruined.”
“I’m not Your type.”
“I’m not holy, like You, Lord.”
“I’m too young.”
“I’m too old.”
“I’m disqualified.”
“I’m ugly.”
“I’ve been unfaithful.”
“I’ve experimented with other lovers and gave away my virginity long ago.”
“You deserve better than me for Your bride.”
“Lord, surely not I.”
Patiently listening, the Lord responds: “Will you marry Me?”
“But Lord, what will your Father think?”
Jesus replies:
“In my Father’s house are many mansions, one of which I have prepared for you, My dear Shulammite.”
“Marry Me.”
“Follow Me.”
“Come away, My beloved.”
So, at last, I’m convinced. I’m convicted. I humbly accept
His astonishing invitation to me to become His bride,
Though I am ugly and scarred in my own eyes,
He has declared me altogether lovely,
Thus I have become in His eyes like one who brings contentment.
So Lord, here, now, I present to You my freewill offering…myself.
Just as I am, such as I am, O Lamb of God I come.
Though ten thousand voices tell me “no” – still, I come.
Though the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve counsel me otherwise,
Still, I come to You, Lord.
I love You, because You first loved me.
I love you with all my heart, mind, body, soul, and strength.
And with Your help, I’ll love others as you have loved me.
I covenant with You, Lover of my soul, to be Your bride.
I accept the terms of our betrothal.
I gladly receive the gifts of Your redemption, Your Word, and Your Holy Spirit.
Spread the corner of your garment over me
And let your banner over me be love.
“Lord, may I ask what will be the time and season for the wedding?”
“Surely,” says Jesus, “I will come quickly for you, My beloved.”
“Amen, even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.”