Monday, June 24, 2002

Experiencing God at the Window

by David Scott Robertson

One day I stood in front of a window looking out.
Although it seems like an unlikely place to have an encounter with God,
I believe that I did.

For in that moment of time,
I became unusually aware of my circumstances.
And consequently there arose within me a profound spirit of thankfulness and appreciation
To God for supplying all the factors and phenomena
That worked together to bring me to that very sacred place…
And I experienced God at the window.

The fact that I could stand up at the window was, to be sure, a grace gift of God.
Seeing out the window meant that my eyes worked.
“All systems were go” in my physical body system
To permit me to experience God at the window.

The window itself separated me from the elements outside
Reminding me that winter is survive-able if you’re in the right spot.

The window was attached to a building,
And that building was a church,
And that church was my employer.
And, oh the joy of being employed.
Oh, the joy of being able to pay my bills.
The joy of being employed doing something I like to do.
The joy of working with people I like.
The joy of working for the Lord for a living.
The joy of walking out the will and plan and destiny of God for my life.
When the work has become play and I would gladly do it for no money,
There is a reason to worship at the window.

The church was located in a town called Murfreesboro,
In a state called Tennessee,
In a country called the United States of America.
Here religious freedom is protected by law.

And in that moment of time,
I considered the implications of this freedom…
I could stand there and pray at the window and be seen by passersby
Without fear of retaliation, imprisonment, punishment, or persecution.
As we are fully aware,
That is not the case in front of every window on earth.

The Bible describes a man who three times a day
Basically did what I was doing --
Prayed to his God in front of a window --
And as a result Daniel got thrown into a lion’s den because he had broken the law of the king.

At the window I considered that I was in a church.
How many people are “out of church” these days?
How many souls on our planet have never stepped foot in a church?
How many, instead, step into a temple, a shrine, or grotto of idols to worship false gods?
How many have never heard the wonderful saving name of Jesus Christ?
And here I stand at the window,
Not only in a church,
But “in Christ Jesus”.
Amazing love how can it be?

I suppose I could go on and on
And list in great detail
The many other factors and favorable blessings that culminated in that moment in time
Causing me to experience God at the window --
But I think you get the point.

I also hope you understand
That this experience with God can happen not only in front of a window --
But in a car,
In an elevator,
At your desk in a classroom,
In the shower,
At your cubicle at work,
On a factory assembly line,
On a loading dock driving a fork lift
In the checkout line at Wal-Mart….

God is not limited by space and time in reaching out to us.
Let us not limit the time and place in which we reach up to Him.


Monday, June 17, 2002

How to Change the World

by David Scott Robertson

So you want to change the world, huh?
You want to be a citizen of earth that makes a difference, do you?
You want your life to count for something significant, right?

Moreover, this is not just talk, mere “lip service” --
You are prepared to back it up with action.

In fact, you are willing to involve yourself,
Sacrificially if necessary (up to and including death),
In a cause that is larger than life,
Greater than yourself,
Farther-reaching than your life span.

Such a desire in your heart is indeed a noble thing.
It is a good and proper thing.
Depending upon your motives,
I would even venture to guess that it is more than likely a God-thing.
After all, no sane, reasonable person
Would actually believe that he or she can change the world.

And please note,
When I say “change the world” I am not referring to “your world.”
For example, your neighborhood, your workgroup, your family, your region, etc.
Those are all valid and figurative expressions of “the world,”
But in this context I am referring to “the world” as the global community
That which makes up the civilized and uncivilized people groups of the earth.

Having clarified that…

If it were possible,
Just how might
One man,
One woman,
Go about changing the world?

Here are a few simple steps to follow:

1. Admit that one person – acting alone – cannot change the world.
An individual needs help, for you see, changing the world is an exceedingly large task.

2. Realize that world change comes in two forms: change for good or change for evil.
With power to change comes a stewardship to act responsibly.

3. The job is so enormous it will take a miracle.
There are only two sources of miracles available to a human being: the power of God or the power of satan to work false signs and lying wonders.

4. You must choose to partner with one or the other.
Not choosing Jesus as Lord defaults you to satan’s camp in advancing his cause on the earth. Choosing God is an act of your free will that positions you for true greatness.

5. You must understand that to possess the authority to bring about world change you must be under authority.
Both God and satan have the ability, willingness, and passionate desire to work in you and through you to change the world. Both offer to you their authority to wield power in their name.

6. You must know that your choice will determine your eternal destination and the destination of your followers.
Never sacrifice long-term goals for short-term gain. Choosing to partner with God opens up limitless possibilities. Electing to partner with satan forces you and those you lead to be consigned to inherit the same destiny and condemnation of the devil and his angels.

The conclusion of the matter:

To change the world you must first hold an election.
Each man and woman must decide who will rule in the government of their heart.

There’s only two candidates in the running – Jesus Christ or Lucifer.
And if you opt to vote for neither and claim to reign in absolute self-authority,
Then …
Whether you like it or not or believe it or not
Your vote is automatically cast to install the prince of this world – satan
(Who is more than willing to allow you to believe that you can rule as good as God
Just like he convinced Adam and Eve through delusion and deception.)

Once that profound choice has been made,
The new administration of government begins to download into our souls a new agenda.
Transference of power begins immediately to take effect in ever-increasing measure.

We begin to discharge our duties as ambassadors of
Our new King, Lord, and Master (if we have surrendered to Christ) –
Or our new king, lord, and master (if we have willfully or unwittingly surrendered to satan.)

We then begin to live our lives in the dispensation of the new government –
Either living by faith and grace through Jesus Christ
Or practicing lawlessness under the father of lies.

Once the decision of lordship has been settled in our hearts
We begin to be conformed into the image of the one we have elected to serve.
Henceforth, our actions are extremely purpose-driven
To line up with the (supernatural) program, scope and sequence of our new leader.

Simply put,
The candle of our life is now lit,
And we go around lighting other unlit candles --
One soul at a time,
Teaching them to go and do likewise.

The Great Commission of both God and satan is…
Therefore go and make disciples.

And thus and at last,
The potential for genuine world change becomes reality.

One man,
One woman,
Called and commissioned,
Appointed and anointed,
For good or for evil,
Is strategically “sent” to an unsuspecting global community
With marching orders of universal conquest.

For which cause will you die for?


Monday, June 10, 2002

The Holy Place

by David Scott Robertson

I want to tell you about a holy place.
A sacred place.
A secret place.
A place so special to me that I used to meet with God there on a regular basis.

Different religions have different holy places.
The Jews have Jerusalem.
The Muslims have Mecca.
The Mormons have a central temple in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Various shrines and mosques and temples and altars
Dot the global geography designating some type of “holy place” for their various brands of religion.

Let me describe my holy place to you.

My holy place was approximately three feet wide by four feet long.
It was dimly lit and had an exhaust fan in the ceiling.
It had a little latch on a hinged door that I could close and lock for privacy.
The holy place had a paper dispenser on the wall
So I could have plenty of tissue to wipe my tears away as I prayed to my God.
Underneath my feet was a simple tile floor that was mopped daily.

There were about three more holy places right next to mine
With a handicapped-accessible holy place down on the end.

The predominate fixture in my holy place that took up nearly half the space
Was a white porcelain bowl half-filled with water.
The bowl is called a toilet bowl.
By now you may have correctly identified my holy place as a typical bathroom stall.

This bathroom stall was located at
The Nissan Motor Manufacturing automotive plant located in Smyrna, Tennessee
Where I used to work for three years -
But I will tell you that this stall was anything but typical.

While my co-workers would reach for their morning cup of coffee and donut,
My custom was to go directly to “the holy place” to reach for God
And receive my “manna in the morning.”

I went to the same bathroom stall each day.
Closing the stall door behind me,
I would began to worship and magnify and glorify the Lord with raised hands
In soft tones so as not to disturb the other “worshippers.”

It was here in this place
That I would call out to God and ask for grace to succeed that day,
For the unction to function well for my employer,
And represent him and the Lord Jesus Christ appropriately throughout the day.
I asked for wisdom to solve the problems that I would face as a computer technician.
I needed physical and emotional stamina to withstand the rigors of a stressful job.
I need the moral fiber to overcome temptation and spiritual warfare.
And I certainly needed the ability to get along with my workgroup
And the people whose computers I would be fixing.

And you know what?
God heard my prayers in the holy place.
And He answered them.
For three years I flourished at a job
For which I had no professional training,
No formal education
And no previous experience whatsoever.

I became known as an excellent and very competent computer technician
Who brought favor and a good name to my employer.
The “end users” whose computer problems I fixed daily enjoyed me as a person
And the quality of my work spoke for itself.
Word would get back to my boss and his bosses that I was an asset to the organization.

May I point out to you that
This is the finger of God!
This is the Lord’s activity in and through me
Enabling me to do my job “as unto the Lord.”

I believe that the raises and the promotions and awards
That I earned during that three period of employment in an automotive factory
Was a direct result of time spent in the holy place --
Which ironically, was a simple ordinary bathroom stall.
It was there that the presence of God would show up in power and anointing
To equip me for yet another day of gainful employment.

By the way,
The holy place worked so well
That frequently while I was out in the plant working around the assembly lines
I would pop in other “remote holy places” that were strategically set up throughout the plant!

Thank you, Nissan, for constructing so many holy places for me to meet with my God
During that wonderful season of my life!


Monday, June 3, 2002

The Grace to Hear the Voice of God

by David Scott Robertson

I came in this morning to my prayer closet with an expectation to experience God.
I came to worship,
To intercede for others,
To present my personal petitions,
To read His word and reap,
And hopefully, ideally, to hear His voice.

My understanding of how the pattern works
In order to get into the presence of God and hear His voice
Goes something like this:

First, I enter into His presence with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.
I begin to thank Him for everything I can think of that He’s done for me in the last 24 hours.
I thank Him for the simple pleasures.
I thank Him for the complex pleasures.
I thank Him for the hidden pleasures and the things He’s done for me of which I’m oblivious.

I thank Him for who He is
His unchanging character
And the fact that He alone is God.

I repent of my known sins
And invite the Holy Spirit to search my heart
And see if there be any wicked way in me that I might quickly
And break any of sin’s power of me
While counter-attacking and “sealing the deal” by speaking the Word of God over myself.

I’ll read my daily quota of the Bible,
A selection from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs –
All neatly arranged in my handy devotional Bible.

Perhaps I’ll take communion.

Then I’ll intercede for my “prayer list” of close relationships,
My wife, my parents, my daughter, my pastors, my president, my small group, and so on.

After that I may put in a worship CD and sing along
Or pull from my memory a half dozen hymns or contemporary worship choruses
And croak out a “joyful noise unto the Lord.”
And then I’ll try to be quiet…
To shut up and listen,
To be still and know that He is God.
(This is the tough part for me when 5 minutes of silence seems so sacrificial, almost unbearable!)

Now here’s the climax of the whole experience:
For God to have His chance to speak to me.
This “stillness” is God’s cue to begin to speak to me.
I’ve done my part
Now it’s His turn to do His part.
I punched my “devotional” time clock and did my spiritual duty
And now,
(So I think, reason, and ignorantly understand)
He is scheduled to arrive “on time” and speak to me
So that I can go write it down it a journal as a spiritual marker and date it.

What do you think?
Is that a corny way to approach God?
Is that an absurd approach to a quiet time to obtain “manna in the morning” from God?
Would you counsel a brand new Christian to begin a short devotional life
That at least somewhat resembled this format?

The ultimate goal is this scenario,
Obviously and ideally,
Is to hear God’s voice.
To experience God through intimate communion and fellowship with His Son, Jesus.
To have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.
C’mon, doesn’t that all sound logical, reasonable, maybe even spiritual?

Perhaps, like me, you’ve observed that God
Has this way about Him that explodes our thinking.
Imagine! The infinite God doing anything at all my way!
Why just this morning…

Today when I came into my prayer closet with an expectation to experience God,
To worship,
To intercede for others,
To present my personal petitions,
To read His word and reap,
And hopefully, ideally, to hear His voice…

Ready for this?
I used “the approach”, “the prescription,” “the order,”
To “get the pattern right so the glory will fall”
To “set the mood” (what a religious thought) to become eligible to obtain a word from God.

Almost immediately this morning as I quietly knelt down before the Lord
Ready to “do my little do and say my little say”
The Lord God began to speak to me.
His word to me was something that I will try to paraphrase to you here:

“David, there’s nothing you have to do or can do to earn your way into My presence.
If that were the case it wouldn’t be grace.”

With that the Lord began to gently and kindly admonish me as only He can with words of
Edification, exhortation, and comfort.

At this point I now have a choice.
I can leave my prayer closet,
Eat a bowl of cereal,
And jump right on into my day because, after all, I’ve already gotten “a word” from God.
I’ve already heard His voice and that’s the point, isn’t it?
Well, yes and no.

I still think I need to enter my prayer closet with an expectation to experience God.
To worship,
To intercede for others,
To present my personal petitions,
To read His word and reap,
And hopefully, ideally, to hear His voice…again.

Consider grace.
Explore grace.
Experience God’s love through grace.

It is true that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).
But it is also true that it is a wonderful thing to fall into the hands of the loving, gracious God.
