Monday, June 17, 2002

How to Change the World

by David Scott Robertson

So you want to change the world, huh?
You want to be a citizen of earth that makes a difference, do you?
You want your life to count for something significant, right?

Moreover, this is not just talk, mere “lip service” --
You are prepared to back it up with action.

In fact, you are willing to involve yourself,
Sacrificially if necessary (up to and including death),
In a cause that is larger than life,
Greater than yourself,
Farther-reaching than your life span.

Such a desire in your heart is indeed a noble thing.
It is a good and proper thing.
Depending upon your motives,
I would even venture to guess that it is more than likely a God-thing.
After all, no sane, reasonable person
Would actually believe that he or she can change the world.

And please note,
When I say “change the world” I am not referring to “your world.”
For example, your neighborhood, your workgroup, your family, your region, etc.
Those are all valid and figurative expressions of “the world,”
But in this context I am referring to “the world” as the global community
That which makes up the civilized and uncivilized people groups of the earth.

Having clarified that…

If it were possible,
Just how might
One man,
One woman,
Go about changing the world?

Here are a few simple steps to follow:

1. Admit that one person – acting alone – cannot change the world.
An individual needs help, for you see, changing the world is an exceedingly large task.

2. Realize that world change comes in two forms: change for good or change for evil.
With power to change comes a stewardship to act responsibly.

3. The job is so enormous it will take a miracle.
There are only two sources of miracles available to a human being: the power of God or the power of satan to work false signs and lying wonders.

4. You must choose to partner with one or the other.
Not choosing Jesus as Lord defaults you to satan’s camp in advancing his cause on the earth. Choosing God is an act of your free will that positions you for true greatness.

5. You must understand that to possess the authority to bring about world change you must be under authority.
Both God and satan have the ability, willingness, and passionate desire to work in you and through you to change the world. Both offer to you their authority to wield power in their name.

6. You must know that your choice will determine your eternal destination and the destination of your followers.
Never sacrifice long-term goals for short-term gain. Choosing to partner with God opens up limitless possibilities. Electing to partner with satan forces you and those you lead to be consigned to inherit the same destiny and condemnation of the devil and his angels.

The conclusion of the matter:

To change the world you must first hold an election.
Each man and woman must decide who will rule in the government of their heart.

There’s only two candidates in the running – Jesus Christ or Lucifer.
And if you opt to vote for neither and claim to reign in absolute self-authority,
Then …
Whether you like it or not or believe it or not
Your vote is automatically cast to install the prince of this world – satan
(Who is more than willing to allow you to believe that you can rule as good as God
Just like he convinced Adam and Eve through delusion and deception.)

Once that profound choice has been made,
The new administration of government begins to download into our souls a new agenda.
Transference of power begins immediately to take effect in ever-increasing measure.

We begin to discharge our duties as ambassadors of
Our new King, Lord, and Master (if we have surrendered to Christ) –
Or our new king, lord, and master (if we have willfully or unwittingly surrendered to satan.)

We then begin to live our lives in the dispensation of the new government –
Either living by faith and grace through Jesus Christ
Or practicing lawlessness under the father of lies.

Once the decision of lordship has been settled in our hearts
We begin to be conformed into the image of the one we have elected to serve.
Henceforth, our actions are extremely purpose-driven
To line up with the (supernatural) program, scope and sequence of our new leader.

Simply put,
The candle of our life is now lit,
And we go around lighting other unlit candles --
One soul at a time,
Teaching them to go and do likewise.

The Great Commission of both God and satan is…
Therefore go and make disciples.

And thus and at last,
The potential for genuine world change becomes reality.

One man,
One woman,
Called and commissioned,
Appointed and anointed,
For good or for evil,
Is strategically “sent” to an unsuspecting global community
With marching orders of universal conquest.

For which cause will you die for?
