by David Scott Robertson
This morning I sat down in my favorite chair to read my Bible.
As is my custom, I let my pet cockatiel, Moses, out of his cage to fly around the room.
Before he launches off into the "wild blue yonder" he likes to stretch his wings.
I sat there in the rocking chair admiring the design of his perfectly formed tiny body
Which enabled him to do something I could not - fly.
One thought led to another,
And I found myself giving glory to God for His ingenious creation.
You see, I disagree with scientists who suppose that time + chance = everything.
No, you don't throw a grenade into a print shop and out of the explosion comes an unabridged dictionary.
You cannot toss a bomb into an airplane hanger and the blast produces the space shuttle.
No, things don't naturally develop from simple to more complex;
From disorder to order as a result of an evolutionary process.
True science has revealed "the law of entropy" which correctly states that
Things left alone for long periods of time tend to break down.
Maintenance men believe in the law of entropy.
Doctors believe in the law of entropy.
People that mow lawns believe in the law of entropy.
Fitness instructors believe in the law of entropy.
The junkyard is full of evidence
As are a hundred cornfields with old, leaning, decimated barns that look like they are ready to fall down at the next strong wind.
But that's not the point I want to make today.
What I'm driving at is
Before you have a creation, you must have a Creator.
Before you have a design, you must have a Designer.
Before you have a plan, you must have a Planner.
And I know this Planner.
His name is God.
He's the Inventor of heaven and earth.
He said "let there be…" and there was.
He thought up a hummingbird that can fly backwards.
He thought up a bumblebee whose wing structure confounds mathematicians as to how it can fly at all.
He thought up geese that fly in a "V" formation at 70% greater efficiency for thousands of miles to a precise roosting spot.
He thought up my pet cockatiel, Moses, that brings my wife joy.
And birds are just one tiny slice of His creation
That doesn't even scratch the surface of creation.
The complex world of physical science.
The complex world of astronomy, solar systems, and universes.
The complex world of anatomy and physiology of the human body.
The complex world of Kingdoms, Phylums, Classes, Orders, Families, Genus, and Species of the plants, animals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.
We haven't even considered medical technologies,
Architectural wonders,
Literary libraries,
And other modern marvels that God has permitted man to join Him in His expressions of creative genius.
We haven't even touched on the mystery of love that is too wonderful to understand.
There remain enigmas, puzzles and quandaries of life that are inexplicable,
Yet in Christ Jesus we find that we have all that we need pertaining to life and godliness.
I could go on and on but I trust you get the point.
God has thought of everything,
And even provided a plan of salvation [in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, SEE John 3:16] to get you from cradle to grave and beyond successfully.
Given that,
Do you, O man, really believe that God cannot handle the problem you are facing today?