by David Scott Robertson
(Psa 2:8 NIV) "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." - Jehovah God
(Mat 7:7 NIV) "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
(Mat 7:8 NIV) For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." -- Jesus
Today is 03-03-03.
A day like no other in the history of the world.
It is a day of world prayer.
It is time to pray.
Heavenly Father, You are the great God, Jehovah.
Jesus, you are King and Lord of all.
Holy Spirit, You are the agent of salvation, sanctification, and service in our lives.
Lord, we join tens of millions of other Christian believers around the world in prayer on this unprecedented day in the history of mankind.
Even as I write this, even as these words are read and the reader comes into agreement with this prayer,
We merge our faith with the multitudes of the disciples of Jesus,
And we add our voices with the throngs bombarding heaven with
Blessing and honor and intercession and petition on behalf of our world.
Lord Jesus, let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Grant that the church of Jesus Christ rise up as one body, under the headship and Lordship of Christ, in pleasant unity, to cease not day and night crying out for the souls of the lost.
Open the eyes of the pre-saved that the light of the gospel might pierce the darkness today.
Heal those that are spiritually deaf, spiritually blind, and spiritually dead.
Translate souls out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Your dear Son, Father God.
We cry out with all the earnestness we possess that you would pour out your Spirit upon all flesh that all might come to a knowledge of that truth --
The non-negotiable fact that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no man comes to the Father except through Him.
We bless those who curse us and pray for those who have spitefully used us.
We break every word curse spoken against the church of Jesus Christ and nullify by the authority of our Lord King Jesus every assignment against the advancement of the kingdom of God.
We pray for our leaders, both governmental and spiritual leaders, that they might receive the wisdom of God that comes from an endowment of grace rather than a reliance on knowledge and earthly information.
Father, we give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.
We trust in the protection of Psalm 91,
We ask for the blessing of Deuteronomy 28,
We pray the Prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10,
And we commit with Joshua in Joshua 24:15-16 that as for us and our households, we will serve the Lord.
No matter what.
Lord God, we pray that the anointing of the Holy Spirit to fall down upon the saved and unsaved from Los Angeles to New York City,
From Quebec to Mexico City,
From Rio de Janero to Surabaya, Indonesia.
We pray the Lord's grace to envelope entire people groups in Iraq, Iran, North and South Korea, and Afganistan. We pray that entire continents like Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia, and those in the former Soviet Union will be swept into the kingdom of God by the millions.
Lord, we acknowlege that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it.
We ask, we seek, we knock on the doors of heaven,
Petitioning you for a spiritual breakthrough in the lives of people.
We love you, Lord.
We ask for every single thing on Your holy agenda to be accomplished in Your time, in Your way, through Your servants, through your ministering spirits the angels, and through your soveriegn divine intervention.
Be glorified in the end of the end times and last of the last days.
We look to you in joy and in hope and we pledge allegiance to you,
As one nation of believers,
Under God,
Proclaiming liberty through Christ Jesus,
And ultimate justice for all by faith in His shed blood,