by David Scott Robertson
I'm ready.
I'm ready to let go of control of my life.
I'm ready to abandon myself to the Lord Jesus Christ.
At long last I'm ready.
It's taken a lifetime, but I'm ready.
I'm ready to release my future and destiny to God.
I'm ready to yield and submit fully to the lordship of Christ Jesus.
I'm ready to get radical and fanatical.
I'm ready to be politically incorrect.
I'm ready to get crazy for Jesus.
I'm ready to get buck wild for the vision to win souls and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).
I'm ready to allow the Holy Spirit free reign in me to be His witness (Acts 1:8).
I'm ready to walk in the power of a New Testament believer.
I'm ready to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
I'm ready to forsake sin, resist temptation and take my own thoughts captive for the praise of His glory.
I'm ready to be fully delivered so I can work with the Holy Spirit to get others delivered fully.
I'm ready to bear the cost of being a disciple.
I'm ready to pray the price of being a man of prayer.
I'm ready to be a man full of God's Holy Spirit.
I'm ready to study to show myself approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
I'm ready to take the promises of the Bible and walk them out in daily life.
I'm ready to preach, teach, and prophesy whenever, wherever, to whomever as the Spirit leads.
I'm ready to open my heart to Jesus, open my life to sinners, and open the way of life to persons lost and alone on life's highway wandering aimlessly.
I'm ready to receive the impartation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit for works of service for it is given only to those who will not squander it or sit idly by.
I'm ready to believe God for the supernatural to work in and through my life.
I'm ready to be like Jesus.
I'm ready to walk in the authority of a deputized follower of Christ who will do even greater works than Jesus because He said so.
I'm ready to fulfill those good works that God has prepared in advance for me to do (Eph. 2:10).
I'm ready to rise up and conquer, to be an overcomer and not overcome; to be a victor and not a victim; to walk in abundance and not lack; to be prosperous and in good health even as my soul prospers (1 John 3:2).
I'm ready to be about my Father's business and occupy until Jesus returns to earth in power and great glory.
Are you ready?
Ready or not, here I come!