by David Scott Robertson
Anybody out there like me?
You’re in a jam! You’re in such a pickle that nobody, but nobody, can help you!
Like me, your situation requires either a medical breakthrough or a divine miracle - one or the other and either is fine by us!
We're what the medical community calls “untreatable, incurable, and inoperable.”
They don’t call us “terminal” because whatever physical disorder we’re dealing with won’t kill us. They just tell us, “I’m sorry, you’re just going to have to learn to live with it.”
Anybody out there ever heard a negative, pessimistic report like that? Well, don’t you buy it! It ain’t over yet! You and I may be having “technical difficulties” with our bodies but I wouldn’t count us down and out just yet.
Now for me, my deal is a pesky little problem called Retinitis Pigmentosa (R.P. for short). Total night blindness, tunnel vision, that sort of thing. (You’re deal is probably worse than mine but we each have our own cross to bear, right?)
Well, I wrote all that to set the stage for where I’m at and what’s going on right now.
As I write this, I’m in a cabin, alone, on top of a mountain. I’ve come up here to seek the Lord about this very matter.
I’ve only been here a couple a days and boy oh boy have I run the gamut in emotions..
I’ve cried out loud and I've cried in silence.I’ve shouted bold declarations of healing and I’ve prayed quietly to myself. I’ve danced, I’ve worshipped, I’ve lifted my hands to the Lord, and I’ve laid prostrate before Him. I’ve tried to be humble and contrite;
I’ve tried to be courageous and bold; I’ve told the devil where he can go and I’ve asked God to do what only He can do. I’ve read the Word, prayed the scriptures and fasted and feasted before the Lord.
I laid down on the couch one afternoon and closed my eyes and asked the Lord to either call me up to heaven where He was or come down here to when I am so I can talk to Him directly about this issue (I wasn't trying to be beligerant, I was just desperate!)
I asked Him to show me what I have done (or not done) that was standing in the way of me receiving the manifestation of my healing (I know that according to the Bible I’m already healed by faith through grace by the stripes of Jesus - 1 Peter 2:24).
Well, I did all that and guess what? I woke up this morning with R.P. in my eyeballs.
What do you think about that?
Can we conclude, then, that God does not heal?
No. He’s a Healer whether you or I ever receive our healing.
Can we conclude, then, that God’s Word is not true (or just a little bit off)?
No. Let God be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4). His Word is so true that all truth is judged by it.
Can we conclude, then, that it is not God’s will to heal me?
No. It’s not over yet. Just because God won’t do a “dog and pony show” for me when I kick up and scream and holler and bellow out the way I think spiritual folks should do to get some mighty miracle from God doesn’t mean that it’s not His will to heal me.
You want to know what I think? (Well, it’s my thought and I’m going to tell you what I think whether you like it or not! After all, you don’t have to read it!) Here’s what I think…
I think there is a very, very, very strong possibility that I will receive a complete manifestation of my healing very, very, very soon.
I also think there is a very, very, very remote possibility that I may have to wait a while to receive a complete manifestation of my healing.
Aha! That’s where Christians from the “faith camp” may have a problem with me! They may say I’m just trying to “save face” by saying it or believing it in such a way that it could work out either way.
You know what? I’m not going to argue the point with anybody. All is know is that I’m not going to “lose the victory” and give up on God and discount His holy Word just because I don’t get what I want when I want it.
You know what I discovered in my time with Christ? God has given me nearly every single thing I ever needed (even wanted) but rarely has He given it to me WHEN I wanted it!
I choose to think that the manifestation of my healing is kind of the same way. I’m going to continue to work as hard as I can doing kingdom work and be about my "Father's business” of winning souls and making disciples until Jesus returns. My hope is that He catches me in the very act of serving Him when He returns to rapture the church away.
In the meantime, I’m going to walk by faith and not by sight until the day that I walk by sight and not by faith.
My encouragement to you who are reading this today and suffering through some awful something is to continue on, press on toward the high call of God on your life and don’t let anything stop you no matter what.
Don’t let disease, sickness, a handicap, or any other disability prevent you from doing all that you can, to whomever you can, whenever you can with the help of God for the glory of God.
I assure you, therein you will find little time to feel sorry for yourself and who knows when God will slip up on you and surprise you with the manifestation of your healing while you’re busily at work for Him?
Ralph Waldo Emerson was quoted as saying: “The Moravian symbol was a bull, standing in between an altar and a plow, below which were the words: ‘Ready for either.’”
How about you and I, who are waiting patiently (or impatiently) for the manifestation of our miracle, be ready for either as well?