by David Scott Robertson
There are two primary forces at work in our world today.
The DYNAMIC power of God and the DEMONIC power of the devil.
Each are diametrically opposed to the other having opposite objectives in mind for humanity.
God works in partnership with the human spirit while the devil strives to control the fleshly, carnal nature of man.
Capitalizing on man’s natural tendency to sin, the demonic power of the devil seeks to manipulate, control, and influence man to take the pathway of least resistance, the one that builds no spiritual muscle. Satan knows very well that…
> Flesh doesn’t want to read the Bible.
> Flesh doesn’t want to go to church.
> Flesh doesn’t want to pray.
> Flesh doesn’t want to enter into an accountability relationship with another person.
> Flesh doesn’t want to submit to authority.
> Flesh wants what it wants when it wants it and woe to the person who objects.
> Flesh is a self-serving, self-seeking, self-centered aspect of our humanity that the demonic power of the devil leverages to its maximum potential.
The dynamic power of God, on the other hand, works through the agency of His Holy Spirit to conform us into the image of Jesus, and bring us to maturity attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13).
No surprises in what I’ve said thus far. But the real question is “Where are you in all of this? Where do you fall in the epic battle for your soul?”
Are you allowing the dynamic power of God to dominate your behavior and propel you further and deeper into God’s plan for your life? Or are you allowing the demonic power of the devil to influence you; however subtlety it may be, to drift away from God’s plan for your life?
This is a question that we must ask ourselves and respond to on a daily basis.
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test ourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)