by David Scott Robertson
Good morning, Lord. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Good morning, Father God. Forgive me - forgive me - forgive me. Fill me with your holy power that I might bring glory to your holy name today.
I just want to say thanks this morning. Thanks for another day of life. Thank you for the privilege of knowing you. Thank you that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I rejoice in this fact more so than the fact that demons are subject to believers in your name.
Thank you that I'm on my way to heaven. Thank you that the worst day I'll ever have as a Christian is infinitely better than the best day I ever had as a sinner.
Thank you that my liver works today. Thank you for taste buds. Thank you for my inner ear working well and keeping everything in balance. Thank you that all my senses work. Thank you for common sense operating in my life. Thank you for a brain that is so sophisticated that all the computing power in the world can't compare.
Thank you for the privilege of living in the United States of America. Thank you that my president prays. Thank you that recession is better than depression and you alone empower the righteous to reap a harvest in famine.
Thank you for good weather. Thank you for ozone. Thank you for seasons. Thank you that Earth is no nearer or farther away from the sun than it is, but is stationed precisely where you placed it a long time ago.
Thank you for my pets that add value to my life. Thank you for my wife, daughter, family, and friends that have so improved the quality of my life that I literally don't know what I do without them.
Thank you that I can type these words without looking at the keyboard. Thank you that I am gainfully employed. Thank you that I am employable. Thank you for every dime I earn and for the ethic to obediently return ten percent of every dime I make to its rightful owner - you.
Thank you that I have so much to give thanks for that I can't. It is with that in mind that you grant us another day of life to live tomorrow. With one more day to work with, I can continue the cycle of daily thanksgiving, praise, worship, and service to my Lord King.
Lord, I understand that an attitude of gratitude leads to longevity in our relationship. I want to practice being faithful in prayer and praise now, for when you see fit to transition me from this world to the next I want to be prepared to join the multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests" (Luke 2:14).