by David Scott Robertson
Knowing God is more important than anything.
Knowing God is more important than knowing my wife in every biblical sense of the word "knowing." Knowing Jesus is more important than knowing my daughter, Abbey, my very own offspring. Knowing God is more important than serving God, or "doing ministry" as a pastor.
It's not enough to know about God philosophically, intellectually, or theologically; it's more important that we know God experientially, personally, and intimately.
Having my name found in the Lamb's Book of Life is more important than finding my name on a paycheck.
What God thinks about me is more important than what the world thinks about me.
Doing what God wants me to do is more important than my doing what others think I ought to do.
Growing into what God desires me to become is more important than fulfilling the dreams of others for me.
Knowing and doing the will of God is more important than having my own way.
Becoming familiar with God's Word, the Bible, through disciplined study and life application is more important than earning any degree in any institution of higher learning.
Lining up with God's standard and boundaries is more important than conforming to social mores and cultural norms.
Being "approved unto God, a workman [laborer in God's harvest field] who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15) is more important than receiving the approval of fickle men.
To know God is the highest thing. There is no one and nothing greater than knowing and experiencing God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The words that you are reading right now are alien to any culture or people group presently found on earth. Society and governments and institutions and businesses and educational systems and law enforcement agencies and the entertainment industry do not buy into what I am saying. The mission statements of such organizations may embrace noble ideals, but for most, not all but most, knowing God is not the prime directive.
One day in eternity what was more important concerning our life choices will become abundantly clear.