by David Scott Robertson
I thank you, Jesus, for initiating our relationship.
I had no rights to you - no access to you - no kinship or family tie to you that would warrant your coming to rescue me from my sin.
Nevertheless, in spite of my having no real claim to God in any way, Jesus the Christ heard from His eternal throne in heaven a distant and feeble cry for help of a fallen soul lost in a dark and lonely earth realm.
Lord, you heard my voice long, long ago…
And though there were innumerable angels worshipping you at the very moment, your attention departed from their perfect praise and focused instead on my impoverished cry. Angelic worship could not drown out a voice crying in the wilderness:
"O God, help!"
"O Lord, I need you!"
"O God, I'm lost without you."
And wonder of wonders, you came. You actually and literally left your place of perfection.
You left the throne of your glory where all properly recognized and correctly responded to your righteous and absolute power, authority, and holiness.
You voluntarily left all that behind and with an iron-will incarnated as a helpless baby in a manger at just the right time; a divine visitor to the land that you had created long before.
You knew, before you ever slipped into humanity while retaining your divinity, you knew that multitudes would despise and reject you and ultimately require your very breath and blood.
And knowing all this, you came. You not only came to earth, but you came to me.
You came to me by way of the cross. You came to me through the way of death.
You didn't travel the scenic route to get to me either; you took the way of suffering that led up a hill called Mount Calvary.
And all this because it was the only way - the only path to my heart - my sin-cursed heart.
And the amazing part is that you found me! Your single act of selfless sacrifice in your state of sinless perfection rescued me and my fellow sojourners collectively called "mankind." Once for all the sin problem had been resolved through the power of the cross of Jesus Christ.
And I lived to tell about it.
Me, who was doomed - hell-bent and hell-bound - bound and determined to squander my brief life span with low living before making the tragic but eternal journey from the light of the world to impenetrable darkness and the place of everlasting torment.
But the Light of the World shone on me and disaster was averted!
And I lived to tell about it.
I met a Man who told me all things I ever did. He knew my jaded past and came anyway.
I have met Jesus - the Savior of the world - the Lord of my life - the greatest Hero of all time.
With that in mind, Lord, I give you my heart, my life, my worship, my obedience, my labor, my token and pledge of my abiding love for you and your Word and your will and your ways.
I humbly thank you, Lord Jesus, for providing me the testimony of a transformed life.