Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Love Letter from Jesus

by David Scott Robertson

My Precious Child,

Of all the people
In all the countries
In all the world
Who have ever lived
Or ever will live --
There is none like you.

All the wealth that has been discovered
All the wealth that lies undiscovered,
Would not even scrape together a down payment
Towards equaling your value to Me.

I love you, dear one,
And it was my joy to hang on the cross
Just so that,
One day,
I could embrace you.

Love, Jesus


Monday, March 16, 2009

R.U.S.H. Into God's Word

by David Scott Robertson

Recently I set a goal.
I wanted to read all 26 books of the New Testament,
All 150 Psalms,
And all 31 chapters of Proverbs
In a 40-day period.
I thought this sounded reasonable.
I did some quick math to determine my daily reading quota.

Well, today marks Day 23 of my 40-day time period
And I am still in the first book of the New Testament – Matthew!

Something really unusual and unorthodox happened to me
As I zealously began to blast through the scriptures to accomplish my goal.
What happened was that I got entangled, detained, caught up
In the truths of God’s Word!

As I began to read,
The Holy Spirit began to show me things
That I have never noticed before (has this ever happened to you?)
I started noticing nuggets of truth that had been there all the time,
Fresh principles to live by that I had read over a dozen times but failed to see.

I have been a huge fan,
For years,
Of reading my Bible from cover-to-cover in a year’s time.
Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 in 365 days.
(The One-Year Bible devotionals are fantastic to help you accomplish this!)
I have approached Bible reading this way for well over a decade.
But something has changed in my approach to reading God’s Word, the Bible.
And it’s been more or less a revelation to me.

Now, instead of being in a RUSH to read through my Bible,
I R.U.S.H. to read through my Bible.

R –ead
U –ntil
S- omething
H – appens

Read until I have a close encounter of the God kind.
Read until I see a “commercial” whose message has been brought to me by
My Sponsor – the Holy Ghost.
Read until I hear something,
See something,
Feel something,
Experience something.

I want to get into God’s Word and allow God’s Word to get into me.
Then I want to write about it.
Like this.
