Monday, March 16, 2009

R.U.S.H. Into God's Word

by David Scott Robertson

Recently I set a goal.
I wanted to read all 26 books of the New Testament,
All 150 Psalms,
And all 31 chapters of Proverbs
In a 40-day period.
I thought this sounded reasonable.
I did some quick math to determine my daily reading quota.

Well, today marks Day 23 of my 40-day time period
And I am still in the first book of the New Testament – Matthew!

Something really unusual and unorthodox happened to me
As I zealously began to blast through the scriptures to accomplish my goal.
What happened was that I got entangled, detained, caught up
In the truths of God’s Word!

As I began to read,
The Holy Spirit began to show me things
That I have never noticed before (has this ever happened to you?)
I started noticing nuggets of truth that had been there all the time,
Fresh principles to live by that I had read over a dozen times but failed to see.

I have been a huge fan,
For years,
Of reading my Bible from cover-to-cover in a year’s time.
Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 in 365 days.
(The One-Year Bible devotionals are fantastic to help you accomplish this!)
I have approached Bible reading this way for well over a decade.
But something has changed in my approach to reading God’s Word, the Bible.
And it’s been more or less a revelation to me.

Now, instead of being in a RUSH to read through my Bible,
I R.U.S.H. to read through my Bible.

R –ead
U –ntil
S- omething
H – appens

Read until I have a close encounter of the God kind.
Read until I see a “commercial” whose message has been brought to me by
My Sponsor – the Holy Ghost.
Read until I hear something,
See something,
Feel something,
Experience something.

I want to get into God’s Word and allow God’s Word to get into me.
Then I want to write about it.
Like this.
