by David Scott Robertson
"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual DRUNKARDS nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinithians 6:9-10 - emphasis mine).
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Driving home from the local university from a workout recently I passed a beer truck. On the side of the truck in huge letters was the name of the beer being proudly advertised. Just below the product's name were stenciled these three words: Crisp, clean, refreshing.
I thought to myself, that's false advertising. Three alternate words came to my mind immediately: "dangerous, poisonous, deadly".
As a pastor, I've seen the horrific aftermath of those who bought the lie that alcoholic beverages were in fact crisp, clean, and refreshing. I've counseled with them in my office as they've held their heads in their hands, crying hot salty tears, because they're on the brink of losing everything dear to them due to alcoholism.
In so many words, they've desribed different aspects of their lives being destroyed by imbibing crisp, clean, and refreshing alcoholic beverages:
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THEIR WORK LIFE IN THREE WORDS: tardiness, absentee-ism, fired
THEIR PHYSICAL HEALTH IN THREE WORDS: sickness, cirrosis, obesity
THEIR MENTAL HEALTH IN THREE WORDS: addiction, anguish, bondage
THEIR FAMILY LIFE IN THREE WORDS: verbal-abuse, physical-abuse, sexual-abuse
THEIR FINANCIAL STATUS IN THREE WORDS: lack, collections, poverty
THEIR LEGAL STATUS IN THREE WORDS: fines, lockup, suspension
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Unless they repent, their eternal status can be summed up in three words as well: judgment, loss, hell.
It's not only mothers who are against drunk driving. It's not only police departments and school systems that are against substance abuse. God opposes drunkeness.
"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).
"Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise" (Proverbs 20:1).
God is not trying to steal your fun and rain on your parade. God is trying to redeem your life from destruction and surround you with lovingkindness.
God knows that it's not only the liquor stores and retailers that sell alcohol that gain a clientele from the users of this product - it's the doctor's offices, hospitals, counseling centers, and funeral homes that bear the increased burden.
Satan's tactics include tempting us to sin while witholding information about the consequences of such choices. Beer commercials portray happy, scantily-clad slim women and handsome men with flat abs enjoying their product but they conveniently leave out "the rest of the story."
The wars of Afganistan and Iraq (plus all other war-time casualties combined) still don't equal the staggering total of alcohol related injuries and death in our world today. We gasp in shock and horror (and rightfully so) as over 150,000 people's lives are swept away in an instant from earthquakes and tidal waves yet are strangely desensitized to the fact that millions more are gradually killing themselves through alcohol and substance abuse.
The remedy is not so much in adhering to the gospel of alcohol manufacturers to "drink responsibly"; instead, the remedy is to turn to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to " eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness" (Isaiah 42:7).
If you or a friend you know are caught in the web of addiction to the crisp, clean, and refreshing taste of beer, wine, hard liquor, illegal drugs (or abuse of prescription drugs), may I encourage you to enjoy the crisp, clean, and refreshing invitation of Jesus Christ who alone is able to set you free from the law of sin and death.