Thursday, July 30, 1998

Living Life at the Speed of Light

by David Scott Robertson

186,000 miles per second.
The speed of light.
Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Hidden codes in the Bible.
Worm holes In outer space.
The miracle of the conception of Life.
“As the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thights.” (Isaiah 55:9 NIV).

Mysteries all of them, too wonderful for my puny brain to comprehend.
Take the speed of light – 186,000 miles per second.
Some speculate that just beyond this speed Time actually stops.
And perhaps this is the domain of God.
I don’t know.

I do know that life can be lived at such a frantic pace
That we can feel like we are traveling at the speed of light.
I’m reminded of a sermon illustration I once heard
That depicted the aviation exploration of flying faster than the speed of sound.

Test pilot Chuck Yeager was trying to be the first to break the sound barrier in an aircraft.
Attempt after attempt to push the aircraft to enough knots to burst through
Seemed only to vibrate the planes so bad
That the vehicles would literally begin coming apart at the seams.
Someone (humorously or insightfully) referred to it as,
“The demon that lurks at the speed of sound.”

But something interesting happened to Chuck Yeager
After he became the first man in American history
To tear through the atmosphere
And pierce the sound barrier.
He later reported that once he had passed the speed of sound
There That it was the smoothest flight of his life.
All the turbulence was now behind him.

Now here’s the point:
Maybe I’m the only one that feels sometimes like
Life is so busy, hectic and time-sensitive
That life’s turbulence is shaking me, vigorously testing me to see what stuff I’m made of.
I think that if I were to focus and concentrate on Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
Keep my mind stayed on Him,
Keep my nose in the Book,
That I would be able to tear through the atmosphere of busy-ness
(An archenemy of authentic Christianity)
And get lost in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
“Breaking through”
To peace (Isaiah 26:3),
Sabbath rest 9hebrews 4)
And quiet times besides still waters (Psalm 23:2),
Listening to the whispering affirmation and instruction from the Spirit of God.
When the going gets tough,
The tough hit their knees.
In fact, the Bible tells us that the ‘righteous run to Him and are safe [emphasis added]. (Proverbs 18:10).
When things in our lives seem out of control,
It’s at that time that we may not need to slow down;
On the contrary,
We may do better to speed up for a breakthrough!

DSR, July 30, 1998