Monday, July 13, 1998

Transformed by Fire

by David Scott Robertson

I was in the church yesterday
Basking in the presence of God during the praise & worship portion of the service –
You know how it is,
You close your eyes,
Raise your hands,
And proceed to get lost in the presence of the sweet Holy Ghost.

It was then that a word-picture came to my mind as we sang one of the worshipful choruses.
I forget the context of the song that led me to this thought,
But what I focused on was the progressive revelation of being ON FIRE FOR JESUS.

If I stay in the flame of Jesus long enough,
Eventually I will become RED-HOT.
I can pray effectual and fervent prayers that avail much.
Jesus preferred the church at Laodicea to be hot over cold, but either one was better than lukewarm.

But then I thought I wanted to go beyond being red-hot for Christ.
If you heat up metal long enough in the fire, it becomes WHITE-HOT.
This stage is even hotter than red-hot.
More dross is burned away and we draw closer to Christ
Having abandoned ourselves to the purifying effect of the Flame.

Finally, I desired to go beyond even white-hot.
I wanted to be MELTED in his presence into molten liquid.
The Bible declares in Psalm 75 (KHV) that:-
“The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole Earth.”
Fifteen times in 14 verses the Bible uses the word “melt” to describe the transformation of a substance in the presence of the Lord.

You know, a piece o red-hot, white-hot metal can be in a rushing river and still stay unmoved.
But molten lava flows and moves and goes wherever the river takes it.
I want to be so pliable, movable, shapeable,
That I conform into the image of Christ,
That I flow with the moving of the Holy Spirit,
That I melt in the presence fo God like wax before a flame.

So my challenge today,
To myself and to you,
Is to ask, seek, and knock for the Lord to rearrange the atomic structure of our being,
And allow the Master Craftsman,
Abba Father Himself,
To lovingly pour us into His magnificent mold so that we conform to the image
Of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.

DSR, July 13, 1998