by David Scott Robertson
I started my prayer walk about 5am this morning.
A new day was being birthed on my side of the planet.
The sounds, smells, sensations, and sight of dawn
Were sweeping over me in all their glory.
No wonder Jesus made it a personal policy
To rise early in the morning and enjoy quality time with His Father.
(Mark 1:35 NIV) Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
So, in His footsteps I began my day.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, David got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
But today, something interrupted this nearly ideal situation.
Something invaded my comfort zone
So stealthily,
So effectively that it literally shut down my prayer time.
This thing caused me to pull away
From a mental, emotional, and spiritual quest for the Lord Jesus Christ.
You may be wondering
What could possibly dislodge a committed Christian person from his or her prayer path?
What in the world (or perhaps “not of” this world)
Could so suddenly and so thoroughly cut off
My hot pursuit of God on my prayer path?
First, I will tell you what it was not.
It was not evil.
It was not demonic.
It was not anything horrible or supernaturally powerful that you might imagine.
As a matter of fact,
It was something so natural and commonplace
That you will probably snicker and chuckle a little
When you read the answer in the next few lines…
You see, I received “a call” that interrupted my prayer time
And it wasn’t from my cell phone.
It was “a call of nature.”
I had to “go to the bathroom.”
I had to “use the facilities.”
I had to “visit the toilet.”
Whatever cute or polite way your family taught you to say it
The bottom line was that
My digestive system was screaming to me
In no uncertain terms
“I need attention now!”
Suddenly and with little warning
I found myself in a predicament being a long way from home on my prayer path.
You would be surprised how quickly I ceased
From singing praise and worship songs,
Praying in the Spirit,
Interceding for loved ones,
Glorifying and magnifying the Lord
And trying to seek Him and hear His precious voice.
Right then I stopped prayer walking
And turned and started running back towards my house…cutting through yards!
Oh I was praying all right
But not for anybody else.
I was praying I would make it home in time!
Well, even this little silly circumstance
At least for me packed a spiritual wallop.
(The Holy Spirit is such a creative and innovative Teacher!)
I understand,
That people can have a difficult time
Hearing, receiving, and being tender to the spiritual side of life
When their physical needs are screaming loudly.
In my case,
When my physical need was met,
I settled right down and quickly, happily, peacefully with contentment
Picked up my Bible and began to enjoy reading the Word of God.
But five minutes earlier,
To be quite honest,
The last thing on my mind was to pick up my Bible and read it!
Think about this
The next time you are trying to share the gospel with a friend or stranger…
Consider their situation.
Get discernment.
Try to see them through God’s eyes.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you
If there are any
Natural distraction or common invaders
Occurring in their lives that might obstruct the message?
Are there genuine felt needs
That may need to be dealt with before
The message of the cross,
The truth of the gospel,
Can be shared in such a way that it can be heard?