Thursday, August 16, 2001


by David Scott Robertson

I want the fullness of Jesus Christ working in and through me…

…whatever it looks like.
…wherever it takes me.
…however much it costs.
…whomever it puts me in front on.
…whenever it requires me to move into action.

No matter how unqualified I may think I am
And how undignified it may make me appear
I want the fullness of God’s Spirit to rest on me!

I don’t want 99.9% of God.
I desire,
I crave,
I yearn for the 100%!
I won’t settle for less that the whole deal.
I don’t want to fall short of God’s glorious ideal for me.
I don’t want to stop at a place only a half-mile before entering His rest.

I need God!
I want the Lord!
I desire with an earnest desire the Holy Spirit!

Whatever that looks like,
Absolutely whatever it involves
I simply must obtain the fullness of God in my life.
