by David Scott Robertson
1. Balance
2. Equilibrium
3. Alignment
4. Rhythm
These four words are very important to my Christian life. They are at the forefront of my prayer life these days. I'm asking God to help me grow in these godly qualities in ever increasing measure in my daily life. I need them more than my necessary food. In fact, I'm willing to forego my necessary food for a season (fast) to obtain them, if necessary.
I want the Lord to help me live a balanced life. Jesus pulled it off, so with the help of our Father, why can't I?
"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52).
Jesus Christ was able to balance his growth intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially. I'd like that to be a reality in my life, wouldn't you?
I want to eat a balanced diet. I want my checkbook to be balanced. I want my car tires to be in balance. I want to balance the time I spend at work with the time I spend at home with my family. I don't want to burn out or rust out in ministry. I want there to be a healthy (not necessarily perfect) balance between praise and worship, between prayer and Bible study, between doing the work of the Lord and loving the Lord of the work.
Equilibrium is similar to balance but to me it has more to do with the "inner game." It is processing information from the Lord properly to keep things in balance. Spiritual equilibrium assists me in knowing when to accept criticism as valid and when to reject rejection. It helps me distinguish God's voice from the voice of the world, the devil, or even my own self. Equilibrium, in the spiritual sense, helps me sort through "the urgent" as is competes with "the important." It helps me keep the main thing the main thing and live life in the right order (priorities).
In the natural, if you have an "inner ear" problem, then your balance will be negatively affected. You can get dizzy, disoriented, and "off balance" possibly (probably) causing you to experience difficulty doing ordinary things well. In the same way, if you experience "spiritual inner ear problems" you can also easily get "out of balance" and subtly (but assurededly) veer off track a degree or two. This may not sound like much of a problem in the short-term but in the long-term you can suffer harm. If a rocket, for instance, leaving earth is off by only a degree or two from its intended target a million miles away, it will certainly miss it.
The ability to listen and hear God's voice, discern God's will, and then follow through with obedient action is what I call spiritual equilibrium. And I want it.
Alignment to me is super important. It means accepting the responsibilities of being under authority so I can enjoy the benefits of being in authority. I want my body to "line up" under my soul. I want my mind, will, and emotions to "line up" under my spirit. I want my spirit to "line up" with the Holy Spirit of God so that I walk in perfect submission and total obedience en route to maximum fruit. Alignment means I impeached my flesh nature as president of my life and replaced it with Jesus Christ, the King. I substituted a democracy of my own making with the theocracy of the kingdom of God. I am craving the Lord to help me live in perpetual alignment with His will for my life so that I can live long and prosper.
Finally, there's rhythm. What I'm praying for is for my life to be "in rhythm" or "in sync" with God's plan and timing for my life. The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing. I don't want to get ahead or lag behind God's timetable for my life. Jesus was never rushed or in a hurry and He never succumbed to feeling frustrated and aggravated because He didn't get what He wanted when He wanted it.
If I can break through to godly rhythm in my life, I guess I will feel like test pilot Chuck Yeager did when he broke through the sound barrier and flew into the history books. I want to "rip a hole in the atmosphere" and get the turbulence behind me instead of in front of me. That, I believe, can be accomplished when we get in the very center of God's will and timing for our lives. We'll find ourselves in the right place at the right time most all the time when we live in this realm.
So there you have it. I may not be able to say it just right, but I do want to be able to pray it right so I can obtain these breakthrough godly qualities and get a little farther down the road in my pursuit of Christ-likeness.