Monday, September 16, 2002

The Nightmare

by David Scott Robertson

SPECIAL NOTE: I have never written anything quite like this before. This thought contains reference to sexual and adult situations that some may find offensive. I felt compelled to share this dream I had as candidly and accurately as possible to accomplish whatever purposes God intends for it to accomplish to purify His Bridegroom, the church.

One recent evening, I attended a wonderful church service.
At the service, the speaker preached on the twin sins of America of immorality and pornography.

I returned home after the service and went to bed.

While I slept, in the early morning hours, I had a dream.
No, it was a nightmare.
I’ll describe the dream to you, then I’ll tell you what I think it means.

A man was walking through an unfamiliar house eating an apple.
As he wandered through the home, he climbed a flight of stairs.
At the top of the stairs,
To his surprise,
There was a woman crouching on the floor.

The woman was extremely obese, very ugly, and her body was covered with all sorts of sores and acne. The woman was naked.

While the man was standing there with the apple in his hand,
Suddenly another man ran up the flight of stairs.
He was grossly overweight, naked, grotesque and malformed in appearance.
This man literally ran directly to the woman.
Immediately the woman began to fondle the naked man to the point of sexual arousal.

As this scene took place, the man who had stumbled upon this situation stood across the room eating an apple.

The scene in my dream suddenly expanded to include another man.
He was a well dressed man sitting on the floor.
Strangely, I knew this man.
He was a very hard worker in the church.
In fact, he was one of the most diligent workers in the church
And I had often admired him for his devotion to the ministry.
The seated man was watching the nude couple engage in sexual activity
And although fully dressed, it was apparent that this dressed man was sexually aroused.

And the first man in my dream still stood there eating an apple.

The scene expanded yet again to include a little girl in a nice dress.
Even though I was dreaming, I remember thinking in disgust and horror to myself how wrong, so very wrong it was for this child to be witnessing such illicit perversion.

Suddenly, as if on cue, all eyes in the bizarre scene seemed to look at the man eating the apple.

As he stood there with the apple in his hand,
They looked at him like he was some sort of moderator as if to say to him, “shall we continue?”
He said nothing and sat down in a chair continuing to eat the apple.

Then the “paused” scene restarted and took a tragic turn for the worse.
Here is where the most hellish part of the nightmare took place.

The woman, after the momentary pause,
Instead of returning her attention to the nude man,
Immediately turned her attention to the little child and began to perform a sexual act on the little girl.
At that moment, the man in the chair eating the apple stopped eating.
The dream ended.

I woke up and thought a long while about the meaning of this bizarre dream.
Here are some thoughts I had about the interpretation of the dream.

First, we have no business wandering through or exploring unfamiliar territories and be in places or situations where we know as believers we should not be.

The woman crouching on the floor was like a lioness waiting to pounce on her prey and devour it.
The woman’s body was neglected, wasted, and diseased. The harsh effects of sin and the toll of an immoral lifestyle.
Her nudity suggests that her brazen lust overrode even her natural shame.

The naked man who ran up the flight of stairs was running in a familiar place to him.
A house of pleasure to his flesh but a house of horrors to his soul.
His running indicates his urgency to rush into sin in an unrestricted fashion, devoid of boundaries.
The neglect of his body was profound and his outer ugliness seemed to be a manifestation of his inner moral depravity.

He ran to the woman and without words they began to engage in illicit activity.
That they traded no words indicated that there was no relationship whatsoever – driven on only by raw and unabated lust.

The well dressed man represented a religious man whose piety and good works at church
Had earned him a reputation of being “faithful”, “reliable”, and “a really nice guy”.
But this man secretly enjoyed watching other people commit sexual acts. This churchgoer was entrenched in pornography. He lived a double life.

The child is the hardest part to write about.
She represents the innocence of children being shamelessly stolen away by careless and unregenerate adults.
Children should never be exposed to such wanton corruption, but in our society of easy access porn, they are but a few mouse clicks or remote control buttons away.

The man eating the apple throughout the dream represents a person who neither approves nor opposes the decadence before his eyes.
The fact that he can eat an apple while witnessing acts of moral depravity indicates the level to which our society, by and large, has been desensitized to the blatant boldness of sin.

I feel there were at least three occasions when the man eating the apple could have stopped the scene from advancing down the road to absurdity.

The first opportunity was when he first encountered the naked woman. He could have covered her nakedness and connected this person with another woman for help.

The second opportunity was when he first encountered the naked man. He could have confronted this man concerning his deviance and connected him with a qualified man to help him (or walked him through deliverance himself.)

The third opportunity was when the expanded scene “paused” and the group looked to the “moderator” as if to say “shall we continue?” The man eating the apple should have/could have objected at this point and put an end to the foolishness.

Since these opportunities were squandered and ignored, the end result was a violation of a child that was so distasteful and criminal that it caused the non-confrontational witness to lose his appetite and stop eating the apple. When good men do nothing the advance of evil is inevitable. People die, women are ravished, and children are exploited.

I don’t know the full implications of this nightmare.
I don’t presume this to be a dream that is prophetic in nature but the Holy Spirit can add His revelation to it.

I do know, however, that we cannot allow toleration of sin to go unchallenged.
We, as a society, as a culture, as a people group, and most specifically as Christian believers in Jesus Christ,
Cannot ignore opportunity after opportunity to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness.

Those that find it in their heart the tolerance to allow into their home and hearts

Television shows that promote immorality…
Videos that import compromise into their living rooms…
Internet web sites that open doors to the demonic…
Or any number of other opportunities to “lower the standard”…
May one day find an innocent person in their life being violated as a direct result of their refusal to allow boundaries to exist and a Christian moral code to reign.
