Monday, September 2, 2002

The Way Back

by David Scott Robertson

“Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” (Galatians 5:7)

Was there ever a time in you life when you felt closer to God?
Have you recently felt a tiny bit estranged from your Heavenly Father?
Do you feel like your spiritual life has taken two steps backward?
Are you in “dry season” where you feel God may be driving your roots down deep instead of enjoying the refreshing rains of His presence?

If that’s you,
Then consider the following…

Delete from your life any toleration for anything less than God’s best for you.

Don’t put up with crummy prayer times. Press through them and pray anyway. Make an appointment with God is a special place and show up. Faithfully.

Don’t accept mediocrity in your walk with Jesus. Refuse it. Be dogmatic about it. Exercise “stubborn love” and “divine tenacity” to grind forward in your love affair with Jesus Christ despite an “emotional high” or lack thereof. You supply the desire and God will supply the power by His Spirit.

Don’t stand for Bible reading that has become a “habitual ritual.” Read until something happens. Or meditate on a significant verse until the Spirit provides enlightenment and illumination and understanding of how it actually applies to your life and situation.

Use worship as a weapon to defeat the enemy who hates your worship of God.

Return to your First Love.

Retrace the ancient paths that once led you to righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Go back to the basics of the faith and train yourself – through steadfast consistency - to do them well again.

Return to the spiritual disciplines that once were proven habits in your life to build spiritual muscle.

Don’t just talk about fasting – actually do it (start by replacing one meal with prayer).

Pull out music that once caused your spirit to soar when you heard it.

Renew friendships that once spurred you on toward love and good deeds.

Press on, press in, and press upward toward the high call of God on your life.

Recount your spiritual markers.

Revisit those monuments in your life that were special times and seasons of spiritual growth and consider what “worked”. The thing to do is the thing that worked well.

Pull out your spiritual journal or diary and read it. If you don’t have one, start one today.

Write your testimony out on paper.

If possible, contact the person who led you to Jesus in the first place and tell them how you feel about your relationship with Jesus right now.

Bear in mind that God always rewards “baby steps.” The anything you’re doing (to improve your relationship with Jesus) is better than the nothing that you have done.

Don’t let the devil fool you into thinking the way back to a strong sense of God’s presence is a LONG way back.

It is NOT a long way back.

The place of closeness, of intimacy, with your Best Friend, Jesus, is but a few…

Decisions, confessions, lifestyle modifications, adjustments, tweaks, and priority changes away.

The way back
To the very center of God’s will
Is a road paved with grace, tenderness, and the love of Father God.
Jesus is waiting for you to renew your journey with Him where you left off.
The Holy Spirit will be your Leader and your Guide to the way back.

Come now, it’s time.
It’s time to go home.
