by David Scott Robertson
“He raises the poor out of the dust,
And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
[8] That He may seat him with princes--
With the princes of His people.
[9] He grants the barren woman a home,
Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 113:7-9 (NKJV)
What a place!
What a deal!
What an opportunity awaits you and I in the house of God!
God has arranged it (think of it!) so that you and I have a place to go
Where we can experience genuine
Without having to worry about
Economic status
Physical appearance, condition, or handicap
Or past failures.
It’s like a talented young man living in the ghetto
Whose unusual gift in athletics lifts him out of his poverty.
It’s like a young girl living in the inner city projects
Who doesn’t view going to school as a punishment or necessary evil
But joyfully applies herself and excels and eventually earns a college scholarship.
What a place!
What a deal!
What an opportunity awaits you and I in the house of God!
God is presenting you an opportunity to be a “rags to riches” success story!
Right now, you may be earning minimum wage on your job,
But in the house of God you can be groomed to be a leader of leaders.
You may play second string on the ball team or play second fiddle in the band,
But in the house of God you can be groomed to play an important role front and center.
You can be a private first class in the military
But in the house of God you can be a mentor, a coach, a disciple-maker, a person of influence and be the key person to lead a hardened drill instructor to Christ.
God wants to take the foolish things of the world,
The lowly things,
The weak things,
The despised things,
The humble things and exalt them in due season.
Who is God talking about? You.
Why? For the praise of His glory.
Where: In the house of God, the community of believers, the local church.
“He raises the poor out of the dust,
And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
[8] That He may seat him with princes--
With the princes of His people.
[9] He grants the barren woman a home,
Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 113:7-9 (NKJV)