Sunday, June 13, 2004

Character: The Fruit of Troubled Times

by David Scott Robertson

Psalm 105:17-22 (NLT)
Then he sent someone to Egypt ahead of them-Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
[18] There in prison, they bruised his feet with fetters and placed his neck in an iron collar. [19] Until the time came to fulfill his word, THE LORD TESTED JOSEPH'S CHARACTER. [20] Then Pharaoh sent for him and set him free; the ruler of the nation opened his prison door. [21] Joseph was put in charge of all the king's household;
he became ruler over all the king's possessions. [22] He could instruct the king's aides as he pleased and teach the king's advisers. (emphasis mine)

* * *

Joseph was a great man of God who did great things for God by the great power of God. But Joseph didn't achieve greatness overnight. It took troubles, turmoil, tears, and worst of all - time - to work this greatness into this eleventh son of Jacob.

The Bible describes this process simply by saying: "the Lord tested Joseph's character" (Psalm 105:19).

We can read over those five words in scripture in less than five seconds, but that does not diminish the years of grueling trials that Joseph had to endure to "pass the test" of character development that God had in mind for him.

Before Joseph could enjoy the pleasures of the palace, he had to first endure the pain of the pit, Potiphar, and prison, in that exact order (see Genesis 37). Why did the sequence of events have to play out that way? Answer: Because God was testing Joseph's character. Nothing builds character like adversity. It separates men from boys and the mature from the immature.

There is a universal fact that God knows about the man that He made. That fact is that a man's gifts, talents, and abilities are never, ever enough to fulfill God's destiny for his life. Until an individual's character catches up with his or her special God-given abilities, they will be in real danger of embarrassing themselves, adversely affecting those they influence, and in general thwarting God's plan for their lives. Sometimes God places a large call a person's life that will require a large amount of character to pull it off. (Consider that the next time you are facing tribulation.)

The solution? And God tested [____enter your name in this blank___]'s character.

How does He test your character? Whether we realize it not, we are already very familiar with the answer to that question! God uses your kids, your spouse, your boss, the police officer, the school crossing guard or the checkout clerk to test you - anyone or anything at all will do!

Whatever causes you aggravation, frustration, stress, or that pesky thing that gives you a tension headache, well that's just the ticket for God to use to test and build your character! How long you or I stay in the pit, in slavery at Potiphar's house, or in prison, I suppose depends on how fast we learn the lesson and pass the test!

Jesus knew and experienced this truth in that He realized there would be no crown without a cross. We are no different. God will stop at nothing to test your character because He knows this quality is essential to your handling success without it going to your head. If that happens (which can be summarized in the word "pride") you are headed for destruction and a downfall. God doesn't want that and neither do you.

So what do we do when God is testing our character? Learn! Obey! Submit! Repent! Be silent! Speak up! Generally whatever it is your flesh wants you to do in that ridiculously frustrating circumstance, do the opposite! Do the right thing! Do the godly thing! Do what Jesus would do!

The sooner you and I become excellent students in passing the character tests that crop up as "pop quizzes" several times each week (or each day) the sooner, I believe, God will move us along the pathway that leads to "the palace"!
