Monday, June 14, 2004

Prove That God Loves Me

by David Scott Robertson

I once was asked to prove the fact
That indeed my God was real;
To analytically explain
Exactly how I feel.

I responded, "Alright then,
I'll prove that God loves me;
That His love in fact is true
Though not His face I see."

So I began with a statement
To challenge this dear soul:
"Prove to me your mother's love
That it indeed was so."

"Why naturally," he said back
"My mother's love was true.
She showed me well in many ways,
But what has that to do…?"

"But still," I said, "what does that prove,
To confirm the love of Mother?
She may have said and done nice things,
But for proof I'll need another."

"Why that's an odd request," he said,
"For she told me many times:
'Son, I love you very much,
You're a precious love of mine.'"

I said, 'the words are beautiful,
But I can't help but see a flaw.
You don't present much evidence
That would hold up in court of law."

"That's okay," he said to me,
I still believe it in my soul.
My mother's love for me was real,
I know that I know that I know."

"Now that's the way that I see God,"
I said to the frustrated man.
"On the cross Christ died for me,
And on His Word I'll stand."

"Now," he said, "at last I see,
That love you cannot prove.
It is the act of believing by faith
That we receive God's love."

(Rom 5:8 NIV) But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
