by David Scott Robertson
1. YOUR COURAGE - Boldly accept new challenges and job assignments with zeal and without complaining.
2. YOUR MATURITY - Resist getting caught up in office gossip and limit your speech to encouragement and affirmation of your superiors and co-workers.
3. YOUR HUMILITY - Serve your boss and co-workers whenever possible. The pathway to greatness is paved with humility.
4. YOUR WINNING ATTITUDE - Be a "can do" person. If you are a Christian, God says you "can do all things through Christ who strengthens you" (Philippians 4:13).
5. YOUR PROGRESS - Learn your job well and become good at what you do. If your name is on the project, let it be done right and to the best of your ability. Take a few moments each day (even on your lunch break) for professional development. Read the manual - take the tutorial - enroll in the class.
6. YOUR TENACITY - Never give up. Never let the title "quitter" apply to you. Most difficult tasks get done only through dogged determination and perseverance. Do this consistently, and guess who will earn the reputation of being a valued employee?
7. YOUR COMMITMENT- Avoid job-hopping. Stay loyal to your company, employer, or department head. Let your boss have confidence in you that when you commit to doing something it's as good as done.
8. YOUR ABILITIES - What are you especially good at or enjoy doing while away from the job? Baking? Writing? Music? Share some of who you are with those you work with.
9. YOUR TEAM SPIRIT - Those who add value to their employers are those who accept that the sum is greater than its parts. Necessary sacrifices are not deemed as unacceptable to the team player. Team players link their success with the fruitfulness of their work group.
10. YOUR FAITH LIVED OUT - This one is for Jesus. You take care of God's business and He will take care of your business. There are many, many ways to share your faith on the job in an appropriate and respectful way that is non-offensive and very effective.